Sunday, August 29, 2010

Tia Idis and another Brady

Tia Idis came to the hospital with Susana and I today. She hadn't been able to make it to see the girls since they were first born. They enjoyed being held my their Tia. In the picture, McKenzie is getting her turn.

Unfortunately, we still had some bad news, on the 28th Ana Lucia had what amounts to the worst bradycardia event of either girl. She didn't recover her heart rate until the nurse actually picked her up. This definitely reset her clock, so the earliest we will see her home is either Saturday the 4th or Sunday the 5th.

And then, not to feel left out McKenzie had another brady this evening. Thankfully, she self corrected quickly but that still means that her clock has reset as well. At this point I would love to see them come home this weekend, but the most important thing is that they come home healthy!

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