Saturday, August 28, 2010

Look Mom, No tubes!!

Today was a big milestone for Ana Lucia and McKenzie. Overnight the NICU took our the feeding tubes for both of them. Now we can see their beautiful faces without those pesky tubes and tape. This also means that for now, the girls have checked another box on their way to coming home. Without a feeding tube, the nurses will be giving them all of their feedings from a bottle or breast. This had to happen before they could go home.

Over the next few days they will be monitoring the girls to make sure they get enough to eat and continue to grow. Now if only we could get them to stop the Bradycardia's.

Speaking of growing, the girls are now 15 days old and Ana Lucia is about to crest the 5 pound mark. Today she weighed in at 4 pounds 14.8 ozs. McKenzie is trying to keep up with her sister and weighed in at 4 pounds 6.4 ozs today. We are also happy with their growth and hope that it continues at a good pace.

Now that Ana and McKenzie are getting older, both Susana and I believe they are fraternal. Today just added to that because it is getting easier and easier to tell them apart in photos. For those that can't do it, in these pictures today, Ana is on the right and McKenzie is on the left.

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