Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Four days old

Susana was discharged today and is now at home where she will continue to recover from the surgery. In addition to recovering she is providing much needed breast milk for the girls.

Speaking of Ana Lucia and McKenzie, today for the first time since they were born, we were able to get them together. In the top picture, McKenzie is on the left and Ana Lucia is on the right. I'm holding McKenzie and Susana is holding Ana Lucia.

They gained weight for the first time at this morning's weigh in and we hope to get them back to their birth weight by the weekend. They have also been able to remove most of the extra wires they had. Now all they have is a feeding tube (shown in the picture) that is used if they don't finish their meals by nipple and the heart and respitory rate monitor cables. We are really excited that are doing so well and look forward to bringing them home.

Back on the home front, Rebecca starts another year of Preschool tomorrow, and Andy is trying to get over a cold, hopefully before the twins come home.

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