Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Over 5 lbs and Brady free (so far)

We had some good news over the last couple of days. Yesterday, Ana Lucia crested 5 lbs. Today she weighed in at a healthy 5 lbs 2.8 ozs. When I hold her you can really tell the difference between what she weighs now and where she was a couple of weeks ago. McKenzie is doing her best to catch her sister. Today she weighed in at 4 lbs 11 ozs. She'll be over 5 lbs in no time.

In other excellent news, neither Ana nor McKenzie has had a bradycardia event since 9 pm on the 29th of September. This is the longest stretch in with neither girl has had a relapse. This is really promising and is a sign of their continued maturing.

There are now three sets of twins in the NICU and two singletons. Of course, McKenzie and Ana are the only girls, so we have our pick of the clothes bin right now.

During my trip to the hospital this morning I decided to take a bunch of pictures in the hopes of getting some good shots. These are a few of the matched sets that I was able to shoot. I was even able to catch Ana with her eyes open. (which has been rare these first few weeks) If you haven't guessed Ana is on the left and McKenzie is on the right. These pictures all but confirm for me that our girls are fraternal.

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