Saturday, August 21, 2010

Bradycardia and Birthday Parties

To start the day off, Susana and I went into to the hospital to meet with an occupational therapist who took us through some information on preemies developmental cycles. She also gave us some helpful stretches and exercises that we can use to help the twins sleep and eat better. Unfortunately we also got some not so great news (not terrible, just not so great). That is, last night both Ana and McKenzie had a spat of Bradycardia. Now for those like me, that don't have a clue what Bradycardia is, it is when a heart rate suddenly drops. For preemies a drop is getting down to below 80 beats a min.

What this means to our twins is that each time the NICU sees a case of Bradycardia, they reset a seven day clock. The twins can't come home before seven days passes without a case of Bradycardia. So for us, this means the twins won't be coming home any sooner than next Saturday Aug 28. Hopefully those issues are over, but I guess that is why they are in the NICU.
On a different note, after we got back from the hospital, I got Andy and Rebecca ready to go to a Birthday Party. My friend Kathy's daughter Ally (pictured above) celebrated her first birthday at a local park. We joined the Schumacher's, Bainotti's, Bishop's and others in enjoying cupcakes, banana splits, and the water features the park had to offer.

Of course, being there by myself with two kids, got me thinking of the challenges I would have going to a similar function with all four kids by myself. Wow, this is going to be a challenge!!

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