Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Ana gets out of her isolette

Ana Lucia (4 lbs 2 ozs), made more progress in the night. She is now regulating her temperature well enough that the NICU took her out of her Isolette and put her in a simple basinet. Her space in the room looks so empty now that the big monstronsity of a warmer is out of the way.

McKenzie Rose (3lbs 12 ozs), is slowly making her way to that same milestone, but for now she is still in the Isolette. Dr Sosas came by and talked to me at lunch. He let me know that he was very happy with both of the girls progress. Unfortunately, when I asked if that means they would be able to come home earlier, he replied probably not because most Preemies don't make it home until after 35 weeks to do feeding issues.
We will see how it goes with the girls.

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