Wednesday, August 25, 2010

The girls are both above their birth weight...

Susana has started to go to the hospital twice a day to try to breastfeed the girls. They are slowly getting the hang of it. However, we don't think they are getting enough, so they still end up getting the full bottle feeding afterwards.

Ana is getting 43 ml of fortified breast milk and McKenzie is getting 37 ml of fortified breast milk every 3 hours. The good news is that McKenzie went past her birth weight today as well. So hopefully they are both on their way to 5 lbs, however, the Doctor confirmed that the min weight for them to come home is 1900 grams so both of them have crossed that threshold.

Unfortunately, McKenzie continues to have Bradycardia episodes. Most recently she dropped to 60 beats per minute while Susana was holding her this morning. So McKenzie won't be coming home any earlier than Sept 1 and most likely longer. Ana is doing better and has not had any repeat episodes of Bradycardia or Apnea. It is possible that Ana may come home before McKenzie, but I still hoping that McKenzie will find her legs and really take off.

All in all the girls are doing well and as always we look forward to bringing them home.

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