Friday, January 9, 2009

We have visitors

So Mom and Andy have been doing well today. Well enough that we were able to have some visitors. Finally Rebecca got the chance to meet the little brother she has been telling everyone is in Mommy's tummy. Of course the first meeting was very cautious but she soon opened up and wanted to look at him.

With Dad getting the chance to hang out with the kids, Mom also had to get in on the action. Though this time around Becca was a little happier.

Susana's Sister Idis has been watching Rebecca for the last few days so Susana and Irving could focus on Andy. This meant that not only did she have to deal with her own 3 year old son, but also Rebecca. I am sure it has been fun.
Idis also went down to Sacramento to pick up Susana's parents from the train station. It just so happened that they arrived back from a visit to Nicaraqua earlier this morning. That allowed us to get this picture of Abuelito and Abuelita with all three of their grandkids.

Which left us with the opportunity to catch each of the kids giving Andy a kiss. We'll see if that behavior lasts once he gets older and starts to annoy them both. :) The big group was here for a couple of hours and we expect to see some of Andy's Uncles around tomorrow. If things continue to go well (Andy needs to poop) we may be able to go home with him tomorrow. If he isn't discharged, we will be spending a lot of time in the Nursery waiting to bring him home.

Now we only need to get the car seat, crib, bassinet and everything else ready since the little guy was so early!

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