Saturday, January 10, 2009

Day 2 at the hospital

Day 2 at the hospital saw Susana officially get discharged. However since we are still waiting for Andy to poop, he is not going to get discharged. Luckily however, the hospital is going to transfer Susana's room to Andy, so Mom can continue to rest comfortably at the hospital and feed Andy.

Andy also got a new visitor this morning. Tio Ofilio came by just to see the little one before heading back to the bay. We are very happy he was able to make it visit.
Andy also said "gahhh" to his Granny and Auntie Millie via the phone. They were both happy to hear that he has a good set of lungs. At first Granny thought it was little Miss Rebecca but was happy to find out it was Andy instead.
The only things we are currently concerned about is getting Andy to poop and trying to make sure he doesn't lose a lot of weight. This morning he weighed 5 pounds 3 ounces which is the limit of weight loss we want see over 48 hours for a preemie. So we are also trying to make sure he gets enough to eat.
As far at the poop goes, the nurses gave him a glycerine suppository so we are hoping he will poop soon. As Nehal says Poop is good fun, in this case it is an important milestone.

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