Monday, January 12, 2009

Discharge Day

Andy was discharged this morning. Even though he lost 2 ounces (4 pounds 14 ounces) since yesterday, the pediatrician thought we could be released. We were excited to get Andy home, though we will still be going to the doctors office often to get him checked out until he starts putting on weight.

Speaking of weight, since we weren't expecting to bring home a baby that was under 5 pounds, our take home clothes outfit (a classic pooh ensamble) were way to big for Andy. So a couple of nights ago, I went to Babies R Us and picked up a preemie outfit for him that fits just right. (though we only expect to wear it for a hot minute, hopefully).

Now that we are at home, we are also going to start the process of getting everything ready for Rebecca tranistion into her new room, so that Andy can take over the nursery in a few months.

We are taking our first steps into our new family life. It should be interesting, thanks for coming along for the ride.

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