Friday, January 9, 2009

And here is the newest addition to Birmingham, CA

It is with greastest pride and deepest pleasure that we welcome Irving Andres Birmingham into the world. Even though he wasn't supposed to be born until Feb 23, 2009, Andy (what we will be calling him), couldn't wait to see us and forced Mommy to go to the Hosiptal three times this week before finally coming out to greet the world at 10:41 PM, January 08, 2009 at Sutter Roseville Medical Center in Roseville, California.

We were initially very worried about having a baby so many weeks before full term, but as it turned out, little Andy was actually developing very well and despite our expectation that he would be immediately admitted into the Sutter NICU, he managed to avoid that ward altogether. In fact his Apgar scores were better than Rebecca's were when she was born. Andy, weighed in at 5 pounds 9 ounces and 18 1/4" long with Apgar scores of 9 at 1 minute after birth and 10 at 5 minutes after birth.

Andy was so excited to get out of Mommy that the birthing team wasn't even all in place and out he was coming. I think Mom did the whole birthing process in one big, long push. Definitely a lot quicker than Rebecca (and she wasn't a slow poke) After the initial exam, Andy was allowed to spend some time with Mom and Dad (hence the picture above) before being taken to the Nursery for a series of tests.

The good news is that despite some low blood sugar levels, he is now doing resting comfortably and we are hoping to be bring him home with Mom in a couple of days. Mom is also doing great and is getting some much deserved rest.

Now without further ado here is Irving Andres Birmingham! (Picture taken under the warmer in the Nursery)

May God Bless you all as he continues to bless us!


Lissette Ramirez said...

Congratulations!!!!! We are so happy for all of you and we can't wait to meet Andy - he looks adorable! Get lots of rest and let us know if you need anything - Lissette Ramirez & Family.

Lissette Ramirez said...

Congratulations!!!!! We are so happy for all of you and we can't wait to meet Andy - he looks adorable! Get lots of rest and let us know if you need anything - Lissette Ramirez & Family.