Sunday, January 11, 2009

Day 3 at the hospital

So today has been a good day. Andy, is learning how to poop on his own without the help of the suppository. He also gained 2 ounces, so he is back at 5 pounds. This morning the pediatrician felt that Andy wasn't quite ready to go home yet, so we are spending another night in the room.

We are hopeful however that we should be able to go home soon. Until then we continue to get new visitors. Today we had a visit from Uncle Derek. Of course we had to take the requisite picture.

Susana continues to do well, though I am sure she is ready to get out of the hospital. The last thing I will mention is where we got the name. We took Andres from Susana's Great-Grandfather on her Mother's side as well her Uncle. And of course Irving came from Dad, Granddad, and Great-Granddad.

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