Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Granny comes back

Granny came back to California this last Monday to spend some time with here grandchildren. Rebecca and Andy are enjoying having her around. Especially Rebecca, who loves having her Granny and Abuelita to bug on a regular basis.

Andy is doing well as he reaches his 2 week mark. He had us worried for a little while because he continued to loose weight after we brought him home, bottoming out at 4 pounds 12 ounces on Friday January Ninth.

Thankfully he started putting some weight back on over the last few days and today the Doctor weighed him in at 5 pounds 1.5 ounces. He is not going to make it back to his birth weight by 2 weeks like the doctors would like, but he'll get there.

Susana is also doing well, albeit tired from the regular feedings Andy is demanding. We are both hoping that he starts sleeping a little more between feedings to allow us both to get more sleep. I head back to work on Saturday so my time off is quickly coming to an end.

We are also expecting to see Auntie Camille out this way in a few weeks and her neice and nephew will be excited to see her. This week she was some visitors that came out for the Obama Inaugration. I will say that Tuesday was the most television I think I have ever seen my Mom watch. Pretty much all day following the events, definitely a historic day.

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