Sunday, May 18, 2008

Working in the Garden

We had great weather for doing yard work today. Rebecca and I got an early start to beat the three digit temp. As you can see, Rebecca is a pro at this now. She is ready in her sweats, gardening shoes and blue gloves. As is her usual, she heads straight to the flowers, so she can smell them.
But as we can see in these pictures, she is not a light weight. Rebecca is not known to shy away from hard and heavy labor.
But just so everyone knows, she is using the proper lifting technique. She is lifting with her knees, not her back.
But in case you are worried about a two year old doing heavy lifting, this is not a full bucket, and she does have a smaller one she uses to fill with weeds and rocks.
Here we are after a well deserved bath, very hungry and eating fresh, juicy oranges. On this day, Rebacca actually ate everything on her tray. She had chicken taquitos and milk juice and of course orange slices.

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