Monday, May 26, 2008

Is this Gardening?

We had a date with Papa today.
He wanted to do something called "Gardening" in our back yard.
I don't think Rebacca understood the idea behind this activity.
Mommy calls going out in the back yard "weeding" we tend to pull everything the grows back there, out. Papa wanted to make wholes and take rocks out all day. What was that about?

All weekend, Rebecca has been preparing herself for this date with Papa. Today, she picked out her clothes, as you can see, she picked a skirt (not what she would wear for weeding) and was ready to go when Papa got here today.
To her surprise, they headed out back, grabbed different tools than what mommy uses, and started "gardening."
I really don't think Papa was prepared for what he found back there. We do live in the city of Rocklin and it has that name for a reason. the ground here is all rock.
Irving says 'it was a rock quarry before the houses started being built.'
I think he should have spoken up sooner.

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