Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Green Day

Today was all about Green for us. Rebecca decide early today that she was going to wear this very green dress her Tio Ofilio brought her all the way from Nicaragua.

After a day with Tio Ofilio, to show him that Rebecca loves his present, Rebecca decided to practice her pedaling.
She is concentrating very hard, trying not to drop Bunny and ride at the same time.

As soon as she saw the camera out, she started to pose. this is the shy look, the over the shoulder glance, I think, she has perfected. There were a lot more, but there is only so much space we can use.

Discovering and trying to keep her discoveries in her pockets.
Today Rebecca is pocketing everything the color green, leaves and other little objects that can fit in her two little pockets.
Just something new she started doing. Mommy gets to find all sorts of things, some yucky, some indescribable, some living and others not so much alive.

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