Monday, May 12, 2008

Hanging out with TiTa

Today we had a great time with Tita.
Since we are now spending all our afternoons with Tita, we decided to do something a little different. Instead of going to her apartment, we decided to bring her home with us instead.

Rebecca is trying to look like Tita in this picture. As we can see, she is doing a good job at it.
Because we were all feeling so great after nap time, which we all took part. We decided to go for a walk, one mile each way, to our closest market and get some great fresh fruits and veggies for snack.
Rebecca of course had a great time at the Nugget. She ran and tasted everything on all the fresh produce isles and tired herself out by the time we got to the check out counter. From the looks of Rebeccas' stroller, you can see we grabbed more than we could carry. So really it was a great workout for Tita and myself, since we started taking turns pushing Rebecca home.

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