Monday, December 29, 2008

It's Been a while....

Well its been a while since you all heard anything from our small part of California, and for that we apologize. But we are back and hopefully on track to get this blog rolling again. I will start by saying that we are all doing fine, Rebecca continues to light up our life on a daily basis. We can't wait for the next addition to the Birmingham Family to come next year. But first, lets close out 2008.

With that in mind, I wanted to share a quick rundown on our first family Christmas in California. Up until 2008, we have been heading to Memphis/Mississippi to celebrate Christmas. This year we went to Tennessee for Thanksgiving because we didn't want Susana traveling during her third trimester. Luckily we were able to be joined by Granny Birmingham (out in Cali for work), Tio Ofilio (from the bay), and Capt Joe and Caroline Nason (Co-worker of Irving)

A good time was had by all as we each got to play with a few new toys, of course Rebecca made out the best (as it should be). Though the big kids got a chance to play some Guitar Hero with Drum set on the Wii as well. Rebecca even got her own guitar that she could rock out with. See the video below for some of her strumming! (Granny is on the phone in the background)

All in all it was great Christmas Holiday. Best wishes to all of you in the New Year.

1 comment:

jaschu said...

Rebecca is totally a ROCKSTAR! She looks and plays like a pro!