Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Birthday for 'becca

Yesterday was Rebecca's Birthday, it was also Granny's last full day with us, so we tried to make the most of it. We started the day shopping, which I am hoping to get Rebecca to avoid in the future, but as long as Granny's paying, then I am good with it!

After an afternoon nap, we went to a local restaurant (John's Incredible Pizza) with the Schumacher's. At the dinner Granny shared her most recent purchases with our two-year old cousins. They both had a good time trying on the hats they were given. (along with the accompanying outfits)

Rebecca and Granny were able to ride a small merry-go-round and everything. Rebecca also played some of the other games that were there, unfortuantely she will have to wait until she is a little taller and older to ride some of the larger rides. We still had fun however.

We ended the day by talking to Auntie Millie while we opened up her packages. Rebecca has learned how to attack wrapping paper with the appropriate furvor and she doesn't stop until everything is open.

It was a good day, though we still plan to have a bigger celebration for her this coming weekend.

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