Sunday, April 6, 2008

Activation Ceremony

On April 1st the California Air National Guard (ANG) had a redesignation/activation ceremony for the guard at Beale. While this didn't change my current active duty status in the 48th Intelligence Squadron. I did participate and assume command of the 222nd Communications Maintenance Flight (222 CMXF).

The 222 CMXF is now one of four ANG units on base. My previous unit the 234th Intelligence Squadron is now focusing solely on Intel Analysis, while the 222 Intelligence Support Squadron is taking on the Intel Comm Support role of the DCGS and the 222 CMXF is going to focus on the RQ-4 Global Hawk Unmanned Aerial Vehicle communications maintenance.

The ceremony lasted a little less than an hour and was attended by the CA ANG Commander, Maj General Lucas and the 9th Reconnaissance Wing Commander Brig General Polumbo as well as other O-7s and 0-6s.

Susana and Rebecca were both there to support me. Rebecca even gave the crowd some occasions to chuckle as she proudly proclaimed "Daddy" throughout the ceremony. :)
All in all it was a very good day.

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