Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Celebrating Summer

Rebecca's legs finally reach the petals!

OK, so it was a bit cool out today, but we still wore short.

Rebecca decide that today we were going to attempt to use the petals on her tricycle. This is the first time her legs actually reach and she is trying to move forward by using them.

Now all she has to learn is to pump her legs and guide the front wheel. But most importantly, she needs to learn to stop.

Of course, she could not leave her white bunny behind, so we have him sitting on her basket.

Outings with Mami Latina Group

Rebecca and I have joined a Mami Latina Playgroup, which I organize and schedule events and activities for. Of course this is great for us because we get to do just what we want. Mommy tends to plan activities around what Rebecca is into. You are welcome to check out our group and see even more pictures of what we are up to.

Here we are on out way out to the Explorit Science Center in Davis. Rebecca is ready for a fun and sunny day. Again she choose her accessories for the day. Don't ask me where she gets her sense of style.

As soon as we got there, she was attracted to the microscopes, but we spent most of the day in the puzzles and building blocks room.

We had so much fun the first time we went that we invited our group to enjoy the center with us the next month.

This time, there were different things to see and do. Here we see Rebecca petting a Boa Constrictor. She was so happy to have done it she got patiently in line two more times just to pet it again.

Dance Class

Rebecca in her Dance for Tots class this weekend.
She has really enjoyed going. Here she is practicing her ballerina arms during her stretching exercises.

Celebrating Summer

The First 80 degree day in Rocklin.
Rebecca chose to wear a blue tank and yellow short. She was very insistent on those two colors.
The day gave us the chance to try out some of the fun presents Auntie Camille sent Rebecca for her birthday. The bubble making cow is a total hit. Once Rebecca figured out how it worked, shes been using it every day.
Thanks Auntie Millie!
Now all we have to do is keep up with the supply of bubble liquid.

Meet and Greet

Rebecca was visited by the newest member of the Bainotti Family, Lucca! He brought her a cute clothes for her birthday. He has great taste, but of course his mommy is Hamraz.
After opening her present, Rebecca could not keep her big brown eyes off Lucca. She wanted to touch him and see what this little person was all about.

Lucca in turn could not keep his cute little eyes off Rebeccas big fro.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Birthday Celebration Part II - Zoo Time

Since Rebecca's actual birthday was on Monday the 14th, we planned to have her actual birthday party on the weekend. This year we had her birthday party at the Folsom Zoo with a picnic at the neighboring park afterwards. It was a nice day, unfortunately it was a little chilly in the morning so we had chase the sun to stay warm!

The Folsom Zoo is a nice small zoo, the best thing being that kids 4 & under are free so most of the kids in attendance were free. The group got to see a peacock spreads its feathers.

We also saw, bears, tigers, cougars, and wolves, among the many animals. It was nice to see the kids having a good time watching through the fences. After a little while in the zoo the group headed out to the park where Nehal and I cooked some hot dogs and hamburgers while the kids played in the playground.

Despite the wind, we were able to keep the candle lit long enough for Rebecca to blow it out. (she did a really good job of blowing!) She even managed to put most of the cake in her mouth and not in her dress. It was good to see all the kids and adults out and about, thanks to all that came.

It was a very good day and Rebecca really enjoyed it!

Gymnastics class

In addition to her dance class, Rebecca is also taking a weekly gymnastics class. I finally got to attend one of her classes last week. It is a pretty fast paced class that focuses on circuits. Each of the circuits has multiple activities, varying from climbing, hanging, jumping, etc. The stations allow each of the kids to work alone with some piece of equipment. The quick pace helps the kids to keep their attention which is definitely a good thing. The picture above is of Rebecca walking the balance beam. They also have minature parrallel bars, mini-uneven bars and lots of trampolines. (see below.)

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Birthday for 'becca

Yesterday was Rebecca's Birthday, it was also Granny's last full day with us, so we tried to make the most of it. We started the day shopping, which I am hoping to get Rebecca to avoid in the future, but as long as Granny's paying, then I am good with it!

After an afternoon nap, we went to a local restaurant (John's Incredible Pizza) with the Schumacher's. At the dinner Granny shared her most recent purchases with our two-year old cousins. They both had a good time trying on the hats they were given. (along with the accompanying outfits)

Rebecca and Granny were able to ride a small merry-go-round and everything. Rebecca also played some of the other games that were there, unfortuantely she will have to wait until she is a little taller and older to ride some of the larger rides. We still had fun however.

We ended the day by talking to Auntie Millie while we opened up her packages. Rebecca has learned how to attack wrapping paper with the appropriate furvor and she doesn't stop until everything is open.

It was a good day, though we still plan to have a bigger celebration for her this coming weekend.

Granny comes to town

Granny came to town last Thursday. Rebecca really enjoyed having her grandmother around. Granny went with Susana and Rebecca to Rebecca's dance class, where she got to see the various dance moves Rebecca attempts to do.
Granny also got to see how much Rebecca babbles when she is not on the phone. For whatever reason, Rebecca tends to stare at the phone, but she can be really talkative in the house and we are happy Granny got to see that.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Kite Festival

Rebecca's has now had the pleasure of experiencing the great sport of Kite Flying.
She colored on her kite, very creative squiggles if I do say so my self, and then helped tie the strings on. She was very patient, looking at what everyone else in the park was doing before attempting it herself.
It was difficult, its not as easy as it looks. She found that she needed the wind and to keep moving if she wanted to be successful at this sport.
To her surprise, she did it. Take a look.

Activation Ceremony

On April 1st the California Air National Guard (ANG) had a redesignation/activation ceremony for the guard at Beale. While this didn't change my current active duty status in the 48th Intelligence Squadron. I did participate and assume command of the 222nd Communications Maintenance Flight (222 CMXF).

The 222 CMXF is now one of four ANG units on base. My previous unit the 234th Intelligence Squadron is now focusing solely on Intel Analysis, while the 222 Intelligence Support Squadron is taking on the Intel Comm Support role of the DCGS and the 222 CMXF is going to focus on the RQ-4 Global Hawk Unmanned Aerial Vehicle communications maintenance.

The ceremony lasted a little less than an hour and was attended by the CA ANG Commander, Maj General Lucas and the 9th Reconnaissance Wing Commander Brig General Polumbo as well as other O-7s and 0-6s.

Susana and Rebecca were both there to support me. Rebecca even gave the crowd some occasions to chuckle as she proudly proclaimed "Daddy" throughout the ceremony. :)
All in all it was a very good day.

Time for a quick recap

Since this is our first post, I figured we should start it off with a quick recap of the year so far.

Starting up with the Christmas, 2007, we have Rebecca and Granny Birmingham on the left as granny prepares to blow out her candles. And on the right we have Rebecca and her Great-Grandmother (we call her GG) Rebecca. We had a great time in Hattiesburg, Mississippi with my mom's family.

In January, we started Rebecca in her first Dance Class. She goes to a local studio every Saturday along with other 18-24 month little girls.

She has gotten much better at following along with Miss Katie, but still needs the occasional help from Mom:

On the 16th of March, we went to the California Capital Airshow with the Susana's sister, Idis, and her family. Rebecca got to see multiple helicopters and airplanes, including the Blue Angels. Despite the noise of the planes a great time was had by all.

The Saturday before Easter we went up to Beale AFB to enjoy a 0-2 year old Easter egg hunt. Rebecca got a good collection of eggs and candy, she even saw the Easter Bunny.

We followed that easter egg hunt with another one at the Schumacher's house, where Rebecca looked for eggs with her cousin Raymond and his neighbors.

Abuelita was there as well, watching Rebecca search in the garden.

A good time was had by all, and afterwards the kids inspected their loot.

All in all, we have had a great year, and we are looking forward to celebrating Rebecca's second birthday and seeing what the rest of the year brings us.