Friday, January 9, 2009

A Picture you can blow up

So, after taking a look, I forgot that blogspot doesn't allow you to download "large" pictures, which is silly to me. Anyway, I am going to load the best pic we have so far of the little one as a smaller image so that you can click on it to download the full size pic for better viewing. (We will have more pics later on in the day, after little Andy has had his bath.

Also here is the first picture we have of the little one, right after he was given to a very happy Mommy. Mommy and Andy continue to do fine, we are going to start the whole breastfeeding process again in a little bit. (Andy latched on and fed for about 10 minutes last night but since then has had some glucose water and formula)

Last but not least here is a video of him being checked out by one of the nurses about 50 minutes after birth. He is more calm now than he was when he was born.

More to come....


jaschu said...

Congratulations! And a BIG WELCOME to Andy! It's so wonderful to hear that things went smoothly and quickly for Susana and Andy and that everyone is doing well! The video of Andy getting his checkup is awesome...babies are such beautiful miracles...he looks like he has big feet. :)

All Our Best,
Brian, Judy & Jaydon

Holly said...

Yay!! I am so glad that everyone is healthy and Susana is doing well. Congratulations to you all!!! I love the photos and the video, and can't wait to see some of Andy with his big sister!


Lissette Ramirez said...

Congratulations!!!!! We are so happy for all of you and we can't wait to meet Andy - he looks adorable! Get lots of rest and let us know if you need anything - Lissette Ramirez & Family.

sassaay said...

Congratulations! Andy is beautiful and we are happy to hear that Mommy and Baby are doing well. This blog site is great, thanks for sharing!
Best wishes,
Anne Robinson & Family