Monday, May 26, 2008

Memorial Day trip

This is just an example of the planning ahead we do....

We received a call at around 10:30am, Papa, Rebecca and mommy were all outside "gardening" (ie: making wholes in the back yard) when Daddy says "Want to go out today?"

Of course Mommy says "yes!"

Daddy "We have twenty minutes to get ready. Will you make it?"

Mommy looks around, Rebecca is brown with dirt, hair has little rocks in it from digging, and then looks at herself, and looks the same as Rebecca. But she also looked around and saw that she had two choices, 1- stay home and do some "gardening" with Papa or 2- go out have fun with family and friends.

Mommy quickly replied "Yes! we can make it in 25 minutes."

An hour and 45 minutes later we were in Truckee, Ca. sitting and having lunch at our friends' pub the Half/Half with eight other friends and two, 2 yr olds. We ended up at a little beach shore, were and walked across to the Safeway and had some good Starbucks.

We were all freezing. On the way home, we encountered rain, snow, and a beautiful wintery road.

Thanks Daddy for driving us out and giving us a great day to remember.

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