Sunday, September 5, 2010

First full day at home...

The girls spent their first night at home and daddy already misses the nursing staff! But we are really enjoying being able to deal with both girls at once. While we were in the hospital, we had to put one of the girls on a portable monitor to bring them close to each other.

So when we came home, I had to get a couple pictures with the girls together. I hope to take some more artistic pictures (or at least try to).
Later in the evening, Sonia and her family came by to see the babies. While they couldn't stay that long, we were happy have them.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

22 Days in the NICU and their home

Susana, Don Ofilio and I went to the hospital and were pleasantly suprpised to hear that both girls would be coming home today. Not only that, but McKenzie crested 5 pounds today. (5 lbs 0.2 ozs) So we have two girls that actually look like small newborns and not tiny preemies.

In the picture above, Susana and the girls pose with one of our NICU nurses Yvonne. Yvonne had the girls for probably 6-9 day shifts over the three weeks we were there. Some of the other nurses that had the girls for multiple days are: Debbie, Elizabeth, Sarah, Stacey, Christine, Christopher, Jossy, Korena, Tori and a host of others. Thanks to all the wonderful nurses for a job well done. Now if only we could have them at home too!

Granny, Rebecca, and Andy went to Briseis' 1st birthday party this afternoon. Susana and I would have gone, but with the twins home, we stayed with them. Rebecca reported that everyone had a good time, though.

Friday, September 3, 2010

3 Weeks old and almost ready to come home

Ana Lucia and McKenzie Rose crossed their 3 week mark today. Ana weighed in at 5 lbs 5.6 ozs and McKenzie weighed in at 4 lbs 14.6 ozs. Ana has been bradycardia free since Aug 28 and McKenzie has been brady free since Aug 29.

What that means is that as long as nothing goes wrong, they will end up coming home this weekend. Granny Birmingham came into town Thursday afternoon just in time to see the girls come home.

Soon we will introduce the twins to Andy and our family will be complete!