Saturday, August 22, 2009

Andy's Firsts

Andy is now 7 months old. He is now starting a lot of new firsts.

One of which is Foods.
His very first food was banana. He devowered a whole half in under 10 minutes without wasting a single bit.
We have now moved on to the usual foods: Peas, corn, apple sauce, baby cereals and we will soon start in meats.
But so far he is a pro, and he looks like a 12 month old in his entire 21lb self.
The latest 'New' is a first baby tooth.
Thats right, he is now in the possetion of a dangerous and very sharp weapon.
He is a drool machine, with the power of an open faucet. He is also chewing on everything he can get his hands on. Which means everything and anything is in danger of getting slobbered on.
He is not very selective either so, Rebecca is in constant danger.
Rebecca is trying to teach him how to eat her food too because he always seems hungry even after all his food is gone. But that will be a different first when he does start eating all her food.

Pre-School Days

August 18th 2009 was Rebeccas' very First day of school (Pre-School that is).

Ok, so it is only a 3hr day and it starts in the afternoon, but our girl was ready to go by 9am. She picked out her favorite "dancing" dress (she has been wearing this dress since she was 2 years old, i'ts fairly worn out, but she loves it.) She got her backpack, put one pull up inside and we were ready to go.

Of course we could not have the first day of "school" with out our entourage (Abuelito, Tita and of course Andy) who were all ready to go an hour before class time.

The Walk from our front door to the classroom door is just over 5 minutes, but Miss Rebecca decided that walking was just not going to cut it. So she ran most of the way.
Mind you it was a very hot day, so even though she was perfectly ready and pristine at 9am, by the time we got to school she was less than perfect.
But that was nothing compared to how I found her on 'Pick-up' time.
She was very happy, content and exited to see us (Andy was awake this time) but her face told me that she had a great snack that day, something that left her face a nice purple and blue, but most of all sticky.
It was a great day for a new School Girl.