Friday, July 31, 2009


O.K. So we have been fairly busy with Rebecca and Andy lately. It definitely changes everything having two kids. Who Knew?

At Andy's 6 month Checkup, he weighed in at a whopping 19lbs. Rebecca on the other hand, Just had her 3 yr Checkup and weighed in at a slim 28lbs. HHMMM. I think someone might be eating a bit more than his share.

That's right, we are looking at a 6 month old baby and a 3 year old kids. Tita (or Abuelita) has to sit down to hold either now. But They sure do have fun together.

We do have a lot of Firsts going on this time around.

How can we get them all in on time for you to enjoy?

The most resent one is that Andy and Rebecca are now eating together. They actually eat at the same time and can eat at the counter together which is a great change for us at home.

The difference is that Rebecca will eat only a portion of her food, while Andy will eat his cereal, milk and start crying for more. Since Rebecca has left half of her food on her plate, I think he wants to eat her food too. Too bad he has no teeth to speak of.

I am proud to announce that our little girl is definitely growing up. We are scheduled to
attend her first day of Preschool in Mid August.

This of course requires her to be potty trained. She does very well when she wants to, but then there are those times that she (believe it or not) will go ahead and change her own dipper.

I have never heard of a kid completely changing their own dipper before. She actually, takes hers off, wipes, and will take a new dipper, open it, sit on it, and strap it on.

If she has figured out how to do all that, she is definitely ready for Pull Ups. So we are now using Pull Ups. Which she has also learned to change on her own.

Now if only Andy could learn to do that too. Whishfull thinking.

Ok These are just a few pictures of Lazzy Mornings at home.
This is one of Rebecca and Andy wearing their matching Tigger and Pooh PJ's courtesy of cousin Sonia. We recieved this gift upon Andy's arrival. So we have been waiting five months for them to fit. Fortunately Rebecca is still not quite out of her 2T clothes and the PJ's fit just right.