Saturday, May 8, 2010

Fund Raising for Pre School

Rebecca's very First Fund Raising Event.
The Rockcreek Preschool Trick-Athon 2009.
Ready... Set... Go!
Andy sheered and had as much fun as Rebecca that day. She raised a total of $50.00 for her class that day. She had a total of 5 minutes to raise and she made 4 trips around the short track.
Rebecca was having a bit of a dificult time manuvering her Tricycle.
Or maybe turning is just not her thing right now.
Ok starit ahead might not be her thing either.
The good thing was that nobody was hurt.

Family Reunion

We had so mush going on last year ... This post is almost a year old... Sorry.

Here we are in Ohio for the Lewis Wimberly Family Reunion.

We are all wearing our LWS t-shirts for the picnic. Everyone did a great job putting everything together for the entire family.

Rebecca and Andy were introduced to yet another side of Daddy's family.

Thanks to cousin Angy for hosting us at her home. We had a wonderful time with cousins Mark and Angie. Were welcomed and as always, very well fed. I think we all gained a few pounds that week.

Rebecca had a blast finding her very first fire flyes. She thought they were scarry at first, but soon found them to be very beautiful. She wanted to know why we didn't have any at home.
The video was taken at the Reunion. Rebecca is just finding out that all the kids here are her cousins. She was so shy at first, but as you can see... she got over it quickly.
She still lets us know she has more cousins than either Mami or Daddy.